A couple of Saturdays back, we had pretty much the entire group of regulars come out for some long overdue gaming. Attending were Bob, Carol and Ben Jones, Eric Haas, Dave, Corwin and Noreen Fair, Erik Light, Stephanie, Bill, Rachel and Jason Ruvinsky, and Dan Korn. We also had a few non-playing kids.
- Here’s the Tote (winner listed first):
- Circus Flohcati - Dave 57, Bob 50, Carol 49, Eric 44, Noreen 34
- Bob: Dave most successfully pushed his luck.
- Coyote - Eric, Erik, Bob, Carol, Noreen, Dave
- Bob: It’s always fun wearing headbands and sticking cards into said headbands.
- Zooloretto - Bob 24, Eric 23, Erik 22, Carol 17, Dave 17
- Michigan Rummy - Stephanie, Bill
- MarraCash - Eric 4775, Carol 4550, Bob 3225, Erik 2675
- Bob: It’s been a long time since this gem made it to the table. Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember the first thing about strategy and got crushed along with Erik who had never played before.
- Settlers of Catan - Dave 10, Stephanie 7, Noreen 7, Bill 5
- Fairy Tale - Dan 47, Carol 45, Bob 45, Eric 36, Erik 35
- Bob: This Japanese card game using the “Anaconda” mechanic is underrated.
- Eric: When I first played this, I didn’t care for it all that much, but now that I’ve played it a few more times, I’ve come to appreciate it much more.
- Diamant - Jason 36, Bob 34, Dan 32, Bill 30, Eric 30
- Cariboo - Corwin, Rebecca K, Ben
- Cariboo - Corwin, Rebecca K, Ben
- 3-D Labyrinth - Corwin and Rebecca tied, Ben
- 3-D Labyrinth - Corwin and Ben tied, Rebecca
- Bohnanza - Rachel R 10, Stephanie 9, Dan 9, Bill 9
- Bob: Obviously, a very close game.
- For Sale - Bill 68, Dan 61, Rachel R 59
- For Sale - Bill 67, Rachel R 64, Dan 46, Stephanie 44
- Railroad Tycoon - Noreen 68, Dave 67, Eric 52, Jason 47, Bob 46, Carol 32
- Bob: I love Railroad Tycoon, yet I can’t win at it. In fact, I find it an incredibly frustrating experience almost every time. But I keep coming back for more. On this occasion, Noreen effectively shut me down by shipping “my” cubes and taking bonuses I was going after. She ended up ahead of Dave because she had the least stock while he had sold 23 shares, thus severely impacting his score.
- Metro - Dan 83, Bill 74, Stephanie 56
- Puerto Rico - Dave 55, Jason 51, Bob 48, Carol 44, Eric 36
- Bob: The first playing of PR in a long time. I thought I had this wrapped up, but Jason’s large buildings and Dave’s wharf put them ahead.
It was good having most of the group together. Hope to see everyone again soon.
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