Saturday, May 8, 2004

May 8, 2004

Hey everyone! Gaming went very well on Saturday. Attending were Carol, Rachel and me, Eric, Cary Abend, Kimberly, Jason, Alex, Bill and Steffi. Unfortunately, Jo couldn’t make it. I have attached some pictures for your enjoyment. This was a somewhat unique gaming session due to the occasion of Jason Ruvinksy’s 18th birthday! Yes, Jason is now “cough” an adult. Congratulations Jason and Happy Birthday!

Here’s what we played and the results (winner listed in bold). As you can see, Eric and Jason had a good day.
Tote Board
  • Hansa Eric 49, Rachel J 46, Carol 38, Bob 37 Bob: This is a very good game. Lots of strategy, nice bits and plays quickly.
  • San Juan Eric 29, Bob 28, Cary 27, Carol 25 Bob: The card game of Puerto Rico. Certainly lighter and quicker playing, but quite enjoyable. Given it’s shorter play time, I anticipate playing a lot of this.
  • Guillotine Jason, Bill, Alex
  • Ticket to Ride Eric 130, Kimberly 101, Carol 98, Alex 69, Cary 55 Bob: Another great new game. Simple but strategic.
  • Quo Vadis Jason, Bob, Alex, Bill
  • Vino Alex 25, Bob 22, Eric 19, Carol 16, Kimberly 16
  • Perudo Alex, Eric, Kimberly, Carol, Bob Bob: aka “Call My Bluff” or “Liar’s Dice”
  • Modern Art Jason 627, Steffi 443, Eric 439, Bill 337 Bob: Jason’s $627 is a huge score.
  • New England Bob 34, Carol 33, Kimberly 30, Alex 28 Bob: I love this game. It’s just fun.
  • Royal Turf Bob 3150, Kimberly 2550, Jason 2350, Alex 1800, Carol 1100, Eric 1100
  • Bang! Alex - Sheriff, Carol - Deputy, Jason - Renegade, Kimberly, Bob, Rachel - Outlaws Bob: The “good guys” won easily. Alex, the Sheriff, was practically unassailable for much of the game due to his innate ability and the cards he played in front of himself.
  • Titan: the Arena Rachel J 14, Bob 9, Jason 5, Alex 5, Carol 4
  • Titan: the Arena Rachel J 11, Alex 9, Carol 7, Bob 6, Jason 6

Eric’s Notes
  • 1:54 pm: Eric arrived at the Jones’ house around 1:30. Bob, Carol, Rachel and, Eric played Hansa.
  • 2:33 pm: Cary arrived around 2:30 as Hansa was finishing up.
  • 2:41 pm: Scores at the end of Hansa were Eric 49, Rachel 46, Carol 38 and, Bob 37.
  • 2:46 pm: Rachel left. Bob brought out San Juan.
  • San Juan
  • 3:12 pm: Kimberly arrived while we were playing San Juan.
  • 4:01 pm: The Ruvinskys arrived around 4:00 and decided to play Guillotine.
  • 4:13 pm: At the end of San Juan scores were: Eric 29, Bob 28, Cary 27 and, Carol 25.
  • 4:21 pm: Carol, Cary, Kimberly, Steffie and, Eric started Ticket to Ride.
  • Ticket to Ride
  • 4:53 pm: Jason won Guillotine. Bob, Bill, Alex and, Jason started Quo Vadis.
  • Quo Vadis
  • 5:41 pm: Jason won Quo Vadis. Alex took over for Steffie in Ticket to Ride. Bill, Steffie and, Jason left.
  • 6:11 pm: Scores at the end of Ticket to Ride were Eric 130, Kimberly 101, Carol 98, Alex 69 and, Cary 55.
  • 6:22 pm: Cary left. Bob, Carol, Alex, Kimberly and, Eric started Vino.
  • Vino
  • 7:07 pm: The pizza arrived and we took a break for dinner.
  • 7:43 pm: After dinner, we went back to the game.
  • 8:55 pm: Alex won Vino with 25, Bob had 22, Eric had 19, Carol and Kimberly were tied at 16.
  • 9:18 pm: We played Perudo.
  • 9:44 pm: Alex won.
  • 10:03 pm: Bill, Steffie and, Jason returned. We took a short break to celebrate Jason’s 18th birthday
  • Jason's Birthday
  • 10:25 pm: Steffie, Jason, Bill and Eric played Modern Art while Carol, Alex, Bob and, Kimberly played New England.
  • 11:46 pm: Jason won Modern Art with 627. Steffie had 443, Eric had 439 and, Bill had 337.
  • 11:53 pm: Bob won New England with 34, Carol had 33, Kimberly 30 and, Alex 28.
  • 12:02 am: Bill and Stephanie left. The rest of us decided to play Royal Turf.
  • 1:21 am: Bob won with 3150, Kim 2550, Jason 2350, Alex 1800, Carol 1100 and Eric 1100. Eric left after Royal Turf.

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