Saturday, October 29, 2005

October 29, 2005

Hey everyone! Just a quick update on last weekend’s gaming. Thanks to everyone who made it. We had Bob, Carol, and Rachel Jones, Dave and Noreen Fair, Scott Percival, Eric Haas, and Bill, Stephanie, Jason and Alex Ruvinsky. Tragically, only the Joneses were hip enough to come in costume. :-( We had a good time nonetheless. Carol made some excellent tacos.

Reminder, our next gaming event is next Saturday, Nov. 12 at 1PM. We plan on starting with Wooden Ships and Iron Men and then moving on to whatever. If you aren’t interested in playing Wooden Ships, you can still come and set up a side game. If you will play Wooden Ships, please let me know so I can set things up for the right number of players.

Tote Board
  • King Solomon’s Mine Scott 56, Carol 49, Dave 49, Eric 31, Bob 31 Bob: An interesting game with a mechanic that’s impossible to get over if you have trouble visualizing the board in three dimensions. I had a lot of trouble easily telling which tile was on which level. Scott had no such problems.
  • Finstere Flure Bob, Scott, Carol, Dave, Eric, Noreen, Rachel J
  • Caylus Eric 56, Carol 47, Bob 46, Dave 44, Scott 44 Bob: Fantastic game with many roads to victory. Looking forward to continued plays of this. Watch for this to stay in BoardGameGeek’s top ten for a long time.
  • Pecunia Non Olet Eric, Bob, Scott, Dave, Carol, Noreen Bob: This game is about, believe it or not, privy renters in ancient Rome. You run a latrine with three holes and you are trying to get customers to come in, get rid of their load, and pay you as quickly as possible. Very similar to Guillotine but without as many fun action cards. Notable mostly for the brown logs that represent . . . well, you know.
  • Big City Dave 85, Jason 83, Carol 76, Eric 75
  • Paris Paris Bill 46, Stephanie R 27, Alex 25, Bob 17
  • Princes of Florence Bob 67, Eric 50, Jason 49, Dave 49, Carol 48 Bob: Still a classic. Very good game.
  • Power Grid Jason 15, Scott 13:16, Eric 13:14, Bob 12, Dave 11 Bob: We played the Italian map. Very tight. The lesson learned was not to let one player alone in the south while the other three fight for space in the north.