Photos from Babycon XI
For the first time ever, turnout was down from the previous year, but this was expected because of the spectacle that was Babycon X. Still, we had twenty gamers and a bunch of kids attending. First timers to Babycon were Dave, Noreen, Andrew and Corwin Fair.
On Friday night, a large group of us descended on a local Indian restaurant, India Palace, for a very good meal. Okay, so they gave Joe Bloch the wrong dinner, it was still very good. Afterwards, we returned to the house and began gaming in earnest.
As usual, everyone started out with fifteen Babycon bucks. One buck was anted each game and the winner took all.
How to summarize Babycon 11? It was the year of Alex Ruvinsky. After losing his first four games in a row, Alex started winning and kept winning the entire weekend. He won 12 out of 21 games played and finished with 46 Babycon bucks, an unparalleled achievement and a Babycon record that’s unlikely to be broken soon. Well done, Alex. Marvin Gersho also did very well with a score, 29, that most years would be the highest.
Also of note was the mysterious stranger who showed up at our backdoor at around 1AM Sunday. We were playing games (what else?) when a knocking at the back door in the basement startled us. Lo and behold, Paul Czarnota, who wasn’t going to be able to attend, had finished his commitments, hopped in his car and driven 10 hours to join us! It was definitely the coolest Babycon entrance ever.
Thanks to everyone who attended. We hope everyone can make it to Babycon 12.
- Streetcar Carol, Eric, Bob, Royal, Stephanie W
- Union Pacific Marvin, Joe, Dan K, Alex, Jason, Kimberly
- Web of Power Bob, Joe, Marvin, Alex
- Traumfabrik Carol, Eric, Kimberly, Stephanie W
- San Juan Stephanie W, Bob, Alex
- MarraCash Marvin, Eric, Carol, Kimberly
- Medici Eric, Marvin, Bob, Alex, Kimberly, Stephanie W
- Ticket to Ride Alex, Dave, Noreen, Bob, Stephanie W
- Puerto Rico Eric, Joe, Marvin, Carol, Kimberly
- Finstere Flure Alex, Dave, Noreen, Bob, Stephanie R, John, Stephanie W
- Crokinole Eric, Joe
- Crokinole Eric, Alex
- Top Secret Spies Marvin, Joe, Dave, Eric, Kimberly, John, Stephanie W
- Citadels Alex, Noreen, Bob, Carol, Bill, Stephanie R
- Africa Alex, Joe, Andrew, Bill, Rachel R
- Ra Kimberly, Dave, Marvin, Eric, Royal
- Mermaid Rain John, Bob, Rachel J, Stephanie R
- Crokinole Alex, Stephanie R
- LOTR: The Confrontation Rachel J, Alex
- Crokinole Bill, Stephanie R
- Kids of Catan Becca, Royal, Sammy
- Schrille Stille Joe, Marvin, Carol, Kimberly, John
- Mystery Rummy Stephanie R, Bill, Stephanie W
- La Città Dave, Noreen, Eric, Bob, Alex
- Cartagena Joe, Marvin, Rachel J, Bill, Rachel R
- Crokinole Joe, Marvin
- Power Grid John, Jason, Kimberly
- Mystery Rummy Carol, Stephanie W Game not completed.
- Bang! Joe, Carol, Stephanie W, Marvin, Eric, Bob, Rachel J
- Traumfabrik John, Paul, Marvin, Bob, Jason
- Evo Eric, Carol, Rachel J, Kimberly
- Finstere Flure Kimberly, Paul, Eric, Bob, Carol, Rachel J, Jason
- High Society Rachel J, Paul, Eric, Bob, Jason
- Crokinole Royal, Rachel J
- Wiz War Royal, Marvin, Eric, Bob, Rachel J, Stephanie W
- Feudal Paul, Bill, Stephanie R
- Crokinole Royal, Rachel J
- New England Jason, Carol, Kimberly, Stephanie W
- Santiago Marvin, Dave, Noreen, Eric, Bob
- Quinto Paul, Stepanie W
- Clue: The Card Game Rachel J, Paul, Stephanie R
- Cartegena Alex, Paul, Bill, Stephanie R, John
- Yahtzee Paul, Rachel J
- Hansa Bob, Dave, Eric, John
- Settlers of Catan Alex, Paul, Noreen, Bill, Jason
- Crokinole Stephanie R, Rachel J
- Ticket to Ride Marvin, Carol, Kimberly, Royal, Stephanie W
- Lost Cities Stephanie R, John
- Crokinole Eric, Dave
- Guillotine Noreen, Carol, Royal
- Modern Art Bill, Dave, Eric, Rachel J, Jason
- Octi Eric, Dave
- Octi Jason, Eric
- Octi Bill, Jason
- Octi Jason, Bill
- Lost Cities Noreen, Carol
- Attika Marvin, Bob, John
- Ticket to Ride Alex, Paul, Stephanie R, Kimberly, Stephanie W
- Elfenland Bob, Alex, Paul, Rachel J, Kimberly, Stephanie W
- Princes of Florence John, Marvin, Eric, Carol, Jason
- Guillotine Kimberly, Paul, Stephanie W
- Crokinole Alex, Rachel J
- Traumfabrik Paul, Carol, Stephanie W
- Show Manager Jason, Bob, Rachel J, Alex, John
- Medieval Merchant Marvin, Eric, Kimberly
- Lost Cities Alex, Rachel J
- Guillotine Paul, Stephanie W, Carol
- San Juan Carol, Marvin, Eric
- New England Bob, Rachel J, Alex, Stephanie W
- High Society Alex, Eric, Bill, Jason, Stephanie R
- Epic Duels Bob, Rachel J, Kimberly, Stephanie W, Paul, Eric, Carol, Royal
- Elixir Stephanie W, Bob, Carol, Rachel J, Kimberly, Royal
Rank | Name | Bucks won | Games played | Bucks per game | Games won | win ratio |
1 | Alex | 46 | 21 | 1.476 | 12 | 57% |
2 | Marvin | 29 | 19 | 0.737 | 7 | 37% |
3 | John | 20 | 12 | 0.417 | 4 | 33% |
4 | Joe | 19.3 | 10 | 0.430 | 4 | 40% |
5 | Royal | 15 | 9 | 0.000 | 2 | 22% |
5 | Jason | 15 | 15 | 0.000 | 5 | 33% |
7 | Andrew | 14 | 1 | -1.000 | 0 | 0% |
7 | Dan K | 14 | 1 | -1.000 | 0 | 0% |
9 | Kimberly | 13 | 19 | -0.105 | 4 | 21% |
10 | Noreen | 12 | 8 | -0.375 | 2 | 25% |
10 | Bill | 12 | 12 | -0.250 | 2 | 17% |
10 | Eric | 12 | 26 | -0.115 | 7 | 27% |
10 | Rachel R | 12 | 3 | -1.000 | 0 | 0% |
14 | Paul | 11.5 | 15 | -0.233 | 5 | 33% |
15 | Carol | 10.3 | 20 | -0.235 | 4 | 20% |
16 | Dave | 10 | 10 | -0.500 | 1 | 10% |
16 | Bob | 10 | 22 | -0.227 | 5 | 23% |
18 | Stephanie R | 9 | 13 | -0.462 | 3 | 23% |
19 | Stephanie W | 8.8 | 22 | -0.282 | 5 | 23% |
20 | Rachel J | 7 | 20 | -0.400 | 4 | 20% |