Below are the results. When everyone had arrived, we played Epic Duels to teach the Ruvinsky’s the rules before Babycon. The dark side team was beset early on but nearly pulled off the win with a mid-game rally. Unfortunately, the light side’s tactics of constant retreat (followed by some healing) was too effective. Also, the fact that they had all Jedi may have helped.
The tally (winner is listed in bold):
- Zèrtz Stephanie, Alex
- Titan: the Arena Stephanie 11, Bob 11, Rachel Jones 5, Alex 2, Carol 2 Stephanie won by the tie-breaker rule.
- Epic Duels Rachel J (Obi Wan), Stephanie (Luke), Alex (Mace Windu), Kimberly (Yoda), Jason (Anakin) vs Carol (Darth Vader), Bob (Darth Maul), Bill (the Emperor), Paul (Count Dooku), Dan (Jango Fett)
- Settlers Rachel S 10, Bob 9, Dan 8, Jason 8, Paul 7
- Vino Carol 33, Kimberly 31, Alex 31
- Pizarro & Co. Bob 49, Dan 41, Kimberly 29, Alex 29, Carol 26
- Chinatown Bob 123, Dan 115, Kimberly 112, Alex 98, Carol 86
- Lost Cities Alex 151, Dan 126